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Bayside Site Development - Dollar Bay, Michigan



Location:  Dollar Bay, Michigan

Size:  32 acres

Completion: November 2009 

Project Description:

Originally built as a coal dock for a local electric utility, this site was redeveloped and prepared for the future construction of high-end condominiums and townhomes. Division1 Design provided all the design work necessary for the environmental, State and local building departments along with construction documents for the sitework contractor. The scope of work included the design of a complete water system, site drainage, sewage collection, advanced treatment on-site sewage treatment, boat launch and new entrance drive with gated access to the site. Because the site was classified as a Brownfield development, it was necessary for any contaminated soils to stay on the site and be capped with clean soils and vegetated cover. During the construction phase, Division1 Design also provided all construction staking and site layout.

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